Best Family Nurse Practitioner Study Guide (for School and Boards)
Nurse Practitioner School is Hard. it should be. The purpose of FNP education and boards exams is to prepare you to be the best for your patients. There are great resources available to help you navigate FNP school and board prep. One of the very best is detailed here. Read on for more information on how you can use this resource to help you build your success TODAY!
Using Essential Oils to Help you Study and Test
Essential Oils. They are everywhere and used for many different things. How can you, as a nurse, or a nurse student, incorporate using essential oils to help you study and test? And is there any "real" support for using them? The answer is "Simply" and "Yes"!
5 Ways to Balance Your Nurse Life
Balance is essential to your Nurse Life. Five tips to prevent burn out and thrive in your career.
5 Ways RN School Prepared You to be an APRN.
RN to APRN. The skills you worked to perfect in nursing school make a great foundation as you transition back through student, novice and professional APRN. Build on these skills to develop a better balance and wellness for you and your patients.