Blue Light Blocking Glasses: Essential for Nurses
Are you a nurse? Do you use an EMR, resource app or computer in your job? Then blue light blocking glasses are essential for your work bag. Find out why.
How to Write a Great Psych Note as a NP
Step by step guide to How To Write a Great Psych Note as a NP.
How to Go Back to NP School
Want to go back to NP school? Want to navigate school without losing your mind and having your family still like you? Simple tips to help you on your journey!
Eyes and Intoxication: Clues the Eyes Give
Assessment skills are vital for every nurse. Evaluating the eyes can give important clues to substances that may have been used by the patient. Build your assessment skills to help provide timely care that is appropriate, guide differentials, and influence next steps.
Pass Psych NP Boards the 1st Time!
Boards. You don't have to take them, but you can't practice without them! Effective study prep for Psych NP Boards. Pass your Psychiatric an Mental Health boards the 1st time! Proven strategies to help you become an APRN and use your skills to walk the wellness journey with others. #Psych NP #APRN #psychnurse
5 Ways RN School Prepared You to be an APRN.
RN to APRN. The skills you worked to perfect in nursing school make a great foundation as you transition back through student, novice and professional APRN. Build on these skills to develop a better balance and wellness for you and your patients.